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Current Economics Topics for Teachers and Students:
Solving Mysteries Using the Economic Way of Thinking
How Did Covid-19 Change the Economy?
Why Are Some Nations Rich and Others Are Poor?
Be Nice to the Price
Is Free Trade Out of Date?
Why Is Good Politics Bad Economics?
Economic Statistics Every Teacher Should Know
Investing in Human Capital
Economic History Topics for Teachers and Students:
How Economic Reasoning Improves the Teaching and Learning of American History
Why Did the Colonists Fight When They Were Safe, Prosperous and Free?
Why Did the American Colonies – Settlements without Gold, Silver or Spices – Become Economically Successful?
How did the Constitution Help Establish the Conditions for a Market Economy?
Was the Free Land Offered by the Homestead Act a Good Deal for Farmers?
The Rise Big Business: Were the Robber Barons Robbers? Barons?
How Did Bank Panics Lead to the Federal Reserve System?
Why Did a Mild Recession in 1929 Become the Great Depression?
Did Free Trade after World War II Kill American Jobs?
Personal Finance Topics for Teachers and Students:
Can Teachers Be Financially Fit?
Rules for Building Wealth for the Long Term
How to Spend Less Than You Receive
Connecting to Financial Institutions
Managing Your Credit and Debt
Elementary and Middle School Topics Teachers and Students:
The Economic Thinking of Children and Adolescents
Economics is Kid's Stuff
Economic Concepts for Kids
Integrating Economics Throughout Grades K-8
Research on Teaching Children Economics and Personal Finance
And many more! Inquire with Mark about additional topics not listed here.

"Great interaction! Dr. Schug really makes all of this interesting - wish I could take him home!"
"Very, very, very informative!"
"Dr. Schug helped me to look at a lot of things a lot differently than I have in the past - great presentation!"
and intelligent professor."